How Do You Handle the Pressure? By Coach Jim Johnson

No matter what our day-to-day life consists of, we all deal with some form of pressure.  What are the best ways to deal with it?  How can we harness this pressure and use it for positive benefits?

Below are 4 tips on how to deal with the most pressure-filled situations and come out on top.

Make sure you let me know your thoughts and strategies as well.  Enjoy!

  1. Embrace it. When you start to feel that nervous emotion stemming from external pressure forces, convince yourself that you are, in fact, excited.  It’s a positive spin on the internal emotions we experience.
  2. Model the behavior. Your team (or your friends) will learn from you and your behaviors. Be a good role model. Try and stay cool in front of them even in the most tense situations.  Think Greg Popovich and Bill Belichick.
  3. Prepare, prepare, prepare. You cannot over-prepare.  Be confident, especially if you are a team leader and your team will follow suit.
  4. Stick to what you know while under pressure. Stay basic if you have to, but never deviate from what you have prepared or studied.  Stay within yourself.

jim-johnson-lo-res-suit-with-basketball-2What do you see yourself accomplishing?  How does it feel?

Visualize your successes before they happen.

About the Author: Coach Jim JOHNSON is one of Your Monthly Mentors, an author and authority on teamwork, leadership, and realizing your dreams. Based in Rochester, New York, he is most famously known for helping an autistic senior, Jason McElwain (J-Mac), realize his dreams and play with his basketball team. Jason scored an amazing 20 points in 4 minutes during that game. Coach Jim Johnson has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, and ESPN and is the author of the book “A Coach and a Miracle: Life Lessons From a Man Who Believed in an Autistic Boy”. Read More…

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