Is Being Humbled a Good Thing? By Coach Jim Johnson

When was the last time you were humbled?

We all have humbling experiences and setbacks throughout our day-to-day lives.  When these occur, there are many different outcomes that can transpire.  Throughout my years coaching and teaching, I have certainly experienced being humbled many times.

Here are 5 Tips for you to handle setbacks with class and use them as a positive influence in your life.  Enjoy.

1. Burning desire. Never let a setback change your mindset.  Always say to yourself “I can do it” and allow yourself to stay motivated on your goals.

2. Take time to reflect. Always take a step back and think about what happened.  Did you make any mistakes?  Could you have done anything differently?  When in doubt, think positively and stay humbled, but not broken.

3. Ask what did I learn? Anytime you are humbled, turn it into a positive.  What did you learn from the experience?  Go back to the drawing board and attack it from another angle.

4. Get feedback. Seek out your family and friends and use your support system to get you back on track.  Who do you go to for support?  Who do you go to for honest feedback?  This is a great time to do so.

5. Ask what can I control? Some things in life are simply out of your control.  It’s important to identify aspects that are controlled by you versus outside factors.  What can you control with your actions and attitude?

jim-johnson-lo-res-suit-with-basketball-2About the Author: Coach Jim JOHNSON is one of Your Monthly Mentors, an author and authority on teamwork, leadership, and realizing your dreams. Based in Rochester, New York, he is most famously known for helping an autistic senior, Jason McElwain (J-Mac), realize his dreams and play with his basketball team. Jason scored an amazing 20 points in 4 minutes during that game. Coach Jim Johnson has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, and ESPN and is the author of the book “A Coach and a Miracle: Life Lessons From a Man Who Believed in an Autistic Boy”Read More…

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