3 Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help Relieve Your Anxiety by Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D.

Anxiety issues don’t just happen overnight. You don’t wake up one day and start feeling anxious for no reason at all. More often than not, anxiety is the product of many years of repressed emotions and deep-seated issues, so much so that sufferers do not even know why they feel distressed and anxious in certain situations.

Much has been said about the potential for hypnosis to be a viable form of treatment for anxiety. As one study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health notes how “The tremendous volume of research provides compelling evidence that hypnosis is an efficacious treatment for state anxiety (e.g., prior to tests, surgery and medical procedures) and anxiety-related disorders, such as headaches and irritable bowel syndrome.”

So, how exactly does hypnosis treat anxiety, and what specific problems can it address?

1. Physical Tension

Physical tension and pain, often stemming from emotional strain, can be treated with hypnosis. By going straight to the beliefs and biases that govern your anxiety triggers, your hypnotherapist can reduce the frequency and intensity of its physical manifestations, such as increased heart rate, profuse sweating, and shaking among others.

Through hypnosis, you can ease these feelings of strain and discomfort by focusing on positive thoughts and knowing your physical symptoms are simply in your mind.

2. Emotional Strain

Besides physical tension, chronic anxiety can also take a heavy toll on your emotions. The energy you use up every time you’re in a state of constant worry, sadness, and stress can quickly make you feel drained, and when left untreated, can sink you into mental depression.

With hypnotherapy, you can develop a more positive mindset and change unnecessary negative beliefs. For example, if your anxiety stems from being around new people, your hypnotherapist can plant the positive belief that there’s nothing to worry about and that meeting new people shouldn’t put you on edge.

3. Sleep Problems

Many people suffering from anxiety also struggle with sleep problems like insomnia and narcolepsy.

By putting you in a state of deep relaxation, your therapist can address your insomnia, teaching you to shut out the world and focus inwards. This approach trains you to push aside your negative thoughts, which can be all it takes to get a good night’s rest.

On the other hand, with narcolepsy, hypnosis can be an effective way to find a new sense of motivation and a need to be personally productive. This same approach can also address the motivational issues brought about by depression and low self-esteem.

In Summary

While hypnosis is definitely not a cure-all for all aspects of anxiety, it is nevertheless emerging as a gentle and effective way to complement conventional treatments for this mental issue. By using the power of positive suggestion, you can train your mind to respond to your anxiety triggers in a holistic and healthy way. Please consult your medical doctor before using hypnosis for anxiety.

dr-steve-g-jones-2-the-teen-mentorAbout the Author: Dr. Steve G. JONES, Ed.D. is one of Your Monthly Mentors, a board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980’s. He is the author of 25 books on such topics as hypnosis, the law of attraction and weight loss. Dr. Steve has also created over 9,000 hypnosis audio recordings and 22 different online certification programs, which are sold in over 140 countries. Dr. Steve G. Jones works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best. He has been featured on Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker as both a hypnotherapist and a millionaire and has been interviewed on CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. Learn More… 

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