Creating Miracles From Scratch by Brad Bergersen

Miracles begin with a single thought. 1/10 of a second is all it takes to spark the creation of a miracle. Apple was once a thought. Google was once a thought. The largest companies in the world were all once thoughts!

Your mind is your greatest asset. It generates thoughts constantly; giving you limitless opportunities each and every day to choose differently. They allow us to choose what we want to focus on and what we want to create in our life. Regardless of your own spiritual beliefs, you can create a miracle whenever you choose.

All you have to do is make a choice. What miracles do you want to create?

Here are 12 Tips that can help you CULTIVATE your own miracles from scratch.

1. Become aware of yourself. Become aware of your own thoughts, goals, dreams, fears, and worries. Try to understand which thoughts and actions are helping you build the life you are committed to creating and which ones are getting in your way.

2. Clear your mind of fear and past pain and create a fresh space to grow. Just like farmers burn their blueberry fields in the off seasons in Maine, and then water fresh land for the new berries to grow, you must clear your mind of anything that is holding you back and focus on creating something new.

3. Be consistent. Consistency is creation. Farmers must perform the same actions if they want to see the results they desire. Find out what you have to do to reach your goal and take actions consistently.

4. Accept how your life unfolds. This doesn’t mean that you will always like what happens, because you won’t. It simply means that you take what you have before you and move on being grateful for what you do have. Every day won’t feel like a day at the spa, but we can still be grateful for the clean water we drink and healthy food we eat when millions die of undernourishment everyday around the world.

5. Feel your feelings. Look, I know life is not always easy. We all have our own circumstances, but we do NOT need to live our lives inside of them! We can step outside of our circumstances and see the bigger picture. This does not mean that you should not experience your feelings. If you feel angry, be angry. If you’re sad, be sad. You must process your emotions. You can’t experience true bliss and happiness without experiencing heart wrenching defeats as well sometimes.

6. Love yourself. It doesn’t matter what affirmations you listen to, how much love you give to others, or how much love others give to you; if you don’t love and have compassion for yourself, you are building nothing but a house of cards. An insecure foundation with cracks all over from years of struggle or doubt that you will be patching instead of transforming. Learn from your mistakes. We all make them. You are perfect and special just the way you are. You are a genius in your own right. We are all geniuses! We are all worthy of miracles of all sizes every single day!

7. Take massive action. Taking massive action is an essential ingredient in the creation of a miracle! We absolutely must match action with awareness! Awareness of what we want and who we are by itself is pure tragedy! We must know who we are and what we want and take the steps necessary to get there. Create a simple action plan and start now, nothing crazy to start with, just get going. Apple and Google were both born from a singular thought! Remember that!

8. Have confidence and believe in yourself. What if you could say YES just because you say so, just because you believe in yourself and just because you know you are worth it? What if you could say YES even when you have NO IDEA HOW you will make it all work?  Well, that is exactly what you should do because you will find a way!  You can experience self doubt and have a crystal clear vision at the same time. Just keep moving forward.

9. Don’t worry about being judged. Don’t you think people will judge me or this article? Of course they will and I’ll take it all as a gift no matter how its wrapped, because all feedback regardless of how its delivered generates awareness. With that awareness, I’ll learn and grow. Feedback is gold! Feedback is a gift! Reflections are a gift! See feedback through the lens of possibility and everything changes!

10. Don’t make excuses. We all have the ability to overcome any circumstances, any obstacles, any challenges. If we really want something bad enough, we are going to get it. When I used to weigh 385 pounds, I was full of excuses. Today, after running my first half marathon and down to a healthier 230, I am making new goals, not excuses. A wise man once said, “Excuses build bridges to nowhere.” Let’s build bridges to somewhere exciting instead!

11. Learn more. How often are you learning? How many books a year are you reading besides your text books? Start reading more! It fuels your mind!

12. Forgive! The last simple ingredient for creating miracles is forgiveness. Negative energy is a cancer and kills your flow, energy, momentum, awareness, action and in the end, it kills your results! You have to let go in order to truly and fully receive and create miracles in your life! If you could forgive one person, who would it be? Consider forgiving them, not for them, but for you.

Take all of these tips and create an action plan.

Once you do, miracles will find you!

Love, Brad


About the Author: Brad Bergersen is an entrepreneur and chooses to create the impossible every day. He loves business and is passionate about empowering men to create business and personal results beyond their current filter of possibility. His clients experience unrivaled transformation, success, spirituality, relationship, well-being, purpose and abundance.

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