June: Let the FUN Begin by Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Bodnar

Going to the beach. Playing baseball, soccer, or some other summer sport. Going on vacation. Having the time to read your favorite book or play games.  Summer is a time for relaxation and fun, and welcome to June…the start of it all.

I encourage you to consider this acronym F-U-N this summer!

F- Find Your Happy Place

Without the responsibilities of school academics or athletic events, you have the opportunity this summer to spend your time the way you choose. Do you want to try a new sport? Do you want to take a part-time job to make some good spending money? Do you want to just play around and have fun? These are all good options and there are more. Do what makes you smile and makes you feel happy.

U- Unleash Your Inner Adventurer

Try something new this summer. It’s a great time for adventure and exploration. Never been camping? Never ziplined? Or have you always wanted to try a particular sport or act in a local play? Whatever it is, try it out and see. You have nothing to lose. You might discover your next new hobby!

N- Nurture Your Friendships

When you don’t have the luxury of school to give you the day to day interactions with friends, you have to make a deliberate effort to seek out opportunities to connect. Call a friend on the phone. Ask him or her to come over to the house and play ball, game, or listen to music. Ride bikes or go skateboarding together. Just have fun with your friends this summer and deepen those relationships.

Having fun and doing F-U-N are your missions this summer, so just go do it! You’ve earned it and you deserve it.

And don’t forget to wear sunscreen!

BodnerAbout the Author: Lieutenant Colonel Theresa BODNAR, Monthly Mentor, is a full time Soldier in the Army, a certified Army Master Resilience Trainer (MRT), a Positive Psychology Practitioner, Eating Psychology Educator, Author of Get UPP!: Understanding Positive Psychology, and an aspiring Motivational Speaker. She is excited to get to know you and share all sorts of positive psychology tools, inspirational blogs, and poetry with you. Read More…

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