How To Handle Adversity by Coach Jim Johnson

Adversity can strike at any time, forcing us to make quick decisions that we may not be ready for.  If we prepare for these uncertain situations, the greater chance we keep calm and make the right decision.

How can you make the right decisions when times gets tough?

Here are 6 tips to help you make the right decisions when facing adversity.  Enjoy.

  1. Champion mindset. Be the rock and keep calm.  How do you do this?  Keep a champion (long-term) mindset.  When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  2. Mental rehearsal. Prepare (not stress) your mind for anything and everything.  Be ready to react to all possibilities.  This will leave nothing that can surprise you.
  3. Preparation.  For me, I was able to prepare my team for adversity through tough practices and simulated game situations.  I saw value in making the practices tougher than the actual games.
  4. Develop mantra. It is crucial that you develop a mantra that applies during tough times.  For example, I like to recite to myself; “Cancel, Cancel, I can do it.”  This allows me to clear my head and get in a positive mindset moving forward.
  5. Use as fuel. When adversity strikes, do you let it get you frustrated?  Or, are you able to let it fuel you into success?  Find a way to allow chaos to fuel your motivation.
  6. Deserve victory. The harder you work, the better chance you have at victory.  Adversity can alter your path, but if you are working hard and doing the right things, your chances at victory will be maximized at all times.

Jim JohnsonAbout the Author: Coach Jim JOHNSON is one of Your Monthly Mentors, an author and authority on teamwork, leadership, and realizing your dreams. Based in Rochester, New York, he is most famously known for helping an autistic senior, Jason McElwain (J-Mac), realize his dreams and play with his basketball team. Jason scored an amazing 20 points in 4 minutes during that game. Coach Jim Johnson has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, and ESPN and is the author of the book “A Coach and a Miracle: Life Lessons From a Man Who Believed in an Autistic Boy”. Read More… 

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