How To Cheer Yourself Up by Self Development Secrets

Being sad is something we all have to experience. It may be a day where nothing seems to go right, a painful time in your life this year or you might be experiencing down moments regularly over a long period. It’s not always easy to pick yourself up and just be happy, but it’s necessary. Being happy is perhaps the ultimate goal in life. There’s no point in having all the money in the world, good relationships and having tremendous health if you are not happy. So the first step to stop being sad is to make a choice that you no longer want to feel down.

Feeling Sad For No Reason

Sometimes, feeling sad or feeling down can be related not just to ourselves, but our environment. Physical health also plays a huge roll. When we experience hormonal imbalances or lack minerals like iron magnesium, selenium and vitamins, we give our brain the right ecosystem to be depressed. That being said, not every deficiency or lack of vitamins and minerals causes depression. It is just a symptom and changing our mood regularly can change the composition of our bodies eventually.

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow” – Helen Keller

Feeling Down? Here Are Some Things To Cheer You Up

Here are some things that you can do when you feel down. These things will really cheer you up even if it’s just for a while!

  1. Connect with someone close. I don’t mean your normal connecting. I mean really reach out and talk to them about what you’re feeling, your life direction and anything that comes to mind. You know, the deep stuff.
  2. Reflect on your life. Take a step back, look at your life from afar or from someone else’s perspective. This exercise can be very eye opening. It will work even better if you write your thoughts down when you reflect.
  3. Stop being hard on yourself. You already have it hard. Stop putting too much pressure on yourself and sit back every now and then. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive for more, but give yourself some room to breath.
  4. Write it down. Writing your thoughts down helps you see it from a different angle. It’s also a metaphoric way to let your thoughts out and release them or put them down in paper to solidify them.
  5. Music inspires. Listen to some music. It will bring out different emotions in you. You might get inspired. But at least it will keep you relaxed for a moment.
  6. Binge watch a tv show. Watch the whole season. Then get back to your normal life.
  7. Spend time with pets. If you don’t have one, go see a friends one, an animal shelter or even a pet cafe. Doing this not only eases the mind but it therapeutic and puts your mind at ease.
  8. Take a walk. What better way to exercise and clear your mind than by taking a walk. Especially if you walk in nature. Somewhere with a good trail and view. Also take this time to appreciate the beauty in this world!
  9. Drink Juice. Drinking juice is not just good for you, it will refresh and revitalize your body. You will feel way better than before you drank that juice for sure.
  10. Have an afternoon nap. Take your mind off things and recharge yourself at the same time. You’ll feel much fresher and ready to take on the next challenge.
  11. Go for a massage. Massages rejuvenate us. Makes us feel better and releases tension. When you’re sad, one of the best things to do is to have someone pamper you with a massage.
  12. Be outdoor. Whatever it is, just go outside and enjoy the sun, fresh air and wind blowing. The calmness of nature is a good change of scenery to the modern life.
  13. Watch an old film. One of the classics or one of your all time favourites. It will bring back old feelings and memories that you’ll enjoy.
  14. Have dessert. Even if you’re on a strict diet, it’s alright to let yourself go every now and then. Go have something sweet. Eat your favourite ice cream or waffles. Or both!
  15. Find a way to laugh. Watch a comedy, stand up, old cartoon or watch funny videos on youtube. Do something that makes you laugh and do it often.
  16. Look through old photos. It could be your old photo books or even your earlier social media posts. That will bring back fond memories.
  17. Treat yourself at your favourite restaurant. You can go alone or with friends but the main thing is to enjoy the food you love so much. Don’t thing about the money and don’t count the calories just this once. Eat what you like and more.
  18. Colour your hair. Not suitable for everyone but this is a great way to not just have a new look, but to have a new look on life. If permanently coloring our hair doesn’t work, try a temporary one for the weekend.
  19. Read your old school magazine. Take a trip back to the time you were in school. Bring back the joys and pains of being a student.
  20. Take a bubble bath. Make it warm. Add essential oils. This is how you want to spend a few hours of your week.
  21. Cut off all technology for a day. That means the internet, phone, messages and everything else you use. Do this for half a day or maybe even the whole weekend. Once you try it, you’ll want to do it more often.
  22. Sing. Go for a karaoke session. Sing in the bathroom or just sing in your room. Letting yourself go for that moment and singing your favourite songs can really set you up for happiness.
  23. Read some inspirational quotes. Going through a few of these will not only inspire you, but it will also put you in a better mood to crush whatever it is you’re dealing with. Check some out here.
  24. Call an old friend. One that you haven’t spoken to in a while and one that you used to have so much fun with. It will put a smile on both your faces.
  25. Be Grateful. Write down 10 things that you are grateful for and really think about them. I mean feel them in your heart and why you are so thankful to have them. It’s all about perspective.
  26. Exercise. Do something physical. Make it a bit exerting. That way you release endorphins that make you feel better. Just be careful if you’re not used to it and get some professional help.
  27. Make a wish. Look for a fountain and throw a coin in or look for a shooting star. Wish for something. The hope and joy of making a wish can really feel good.
  28. Cook. Get on Youtube or pick up a recipe book and cook up something you always wanted to try. It will not only be fun but it’s a good use of your time and who knows, it might just be your newest hobby.
  29. Donate your old clothes. Go through your closet and look for things you haven’t worn in years. You not only help others, it feels like something was lifted off your shoulders.
  30. Do yoga. Take a trial class or even better, sign up for a month. There are endless benefits to yoga that includes your physical, mental and emotional health. Even if you are a guy, give it a go.
  31. Play a video game. These days you don’t need a console. Just use your phone. Look for something popular and trending, download it and play it for a couple of hours. Just don’t get too addicted to it.
  32. Write a letter to yourself. Write it from yourself to your future self as a 3rd party then either keep it somewhere and date it for a future date or send it in the mail. Both works and by the time you open the letter, you would’ve forgotten some of the things you wrote and it will surprise you.
  33. Become a tourist in your own city. I’m sure there are many places you haven’t visited. Tourist spots just next to you. Check them out and see the beauty of your own town.
  34. Go to the museum. Learn some history or just take some cool pictures. Either way, it’s an eye opener to be there and do something you’re not accustomed to.
  35. Have some drinks with friends. It’s always fun to go for a couple of drinks. Just remember to stay safe and don’t overdo it.
  36. Try something spontaneous. It may be a short trip, a fun activity you’ve never done or anything. Just do it and have fun.
  37. Write down your dreams and goals. Get yourself thinking about them. Who knows, you might just be inspired to take the next step and achieve them.
  38. Hug a loved one. It can be your significant other, a good friend, a family member or even a co-worker. A hug can do wonders to a persons state of mind.
  39. Go to a garden and enjoy the flowers. The fresh air from all the plants will change your state and there’s just something about enjoying the beauty of nature.
  40. Take a long drive. About an hour on the highway with no traffic. Turn on some music or just ponder on things and enjoy the drive.
  41. Draw. You don’t have to be good at it. Let your creative juices flow and draw anything that comes to mind. It could be what you see, what you’re thinking of or anything.
  42. Order in your dinner. Stay in and order food delivered to your place. Do whatever you like but just spend the night at home with food sent to you.
  43. Soak your feet in hot water. The feeling is just amazing. Gets the blood flowing in your feet and helps you detox as well. There’s no better way to relax after a long day.
  44. Visit an old folks home. They will be delighted and theres nothing better than seeing an old person happy. You can’t help but to be happy!
  45. Go dance at a club. It doesn’t matter how old you are (unless you’re below 21 years old), go out to a club and dance to the music. Forget about everything and live in the moment.
  46. Create a vision board. Start by cutting out things you like from a magazine, paste it on a huge sheet of paper along with your picture and anything else you want. It will be fun.
  47. Go shopping. You don’t have to spend much but make it a point to look for things in shopping malls and be sure to buy something you like. Make sure it’s something you like but don’t need.
  48. Spend some time at a playground. You can sit on the swing or slides. Or you don’t even have to play. Watching kids play in a playground can be so joyful.
  49. Look in the mirror and smile. Do this for a minute. A few things happen here. First of all, looking goofy by smiling at yourself in the mirror will make you happy. Secondly, smiling tricks your brain and body into thinking you are happy. Don’t believe me? Try it a few times a day.
  50. Send a postcard to someone you know far away. Doing this will make them reply even if it’s online. Connecting with an old friend always brings up the mood.

Take some of these 50 things and implement them today! Try a random number and force yourself to do it or maybe make it a point to do all 50 over year. Either way, you will feel much better when you start doing these things.

Click HERE if you feel like you might have depression.

Self Development Secrets The Teen MentorAbout the Author: SELF DEVELOPMENT SECRETS, Monthly Mentor, is a website that is committed to giving you all the tools and knowledge you need to help you get to the next level of whatever it is you desire. Rebecca Temsen is the Editor and Blogger at Self Development Secrets, entrepreneur, and most of all a wife and mother of 2. What she enjoys the most is helping normal people reach their full potential. Rebecca uses her ever growing skills in writing to inspire people and not settle for a normal life. Read More…

See original article here.

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