Setting and Achieving Your Goals by Coach Jim Johnson

How are you planning and executing your goals? How do you go about following through with these goals? What percentage of your goals do you complete in full and on time?

We all create goals for ourselves, sometimes on a daily basis. My goal is to help increase that percentage with some tips I have learned throughout my professional career.

Here are Five tips that are sure to turn your goals into your reality. Enjoy.

1. When you think it, ink it. There is something very powerful about putting thoughts and goals on to paper. When you write something down, it then becomes ten times more likely to come to fruition. What’s the last goal you’ve written down?

2. Post your goals. Make them visible to you and have them somewhere visible to you every day. Post them on your mirrors, ceilings, or your desk at work. Read them three times per day and say to yourself, “I am responsible.” 

3. Create stretch goals. Creating a goal that may seem unreachable is a great way to stretch your limits. Make it a study to educate yourself on what you are trying to accomplish. This will expand your mind and force yourself to be creative with how you meet your goals.

4. 20-idea method. After you have established your goals, write down twenty ideas that answer the question “How will I achieve this goal?” Brainstorming ideas can help you think outside the box.

5. Get support for your goals. Find others that you can count on to hold you accountable for reaching your goals. Notify them of what you hope to accomplish and keep them updated on your journey. Who are you relying on for support?

jim-johnson-lo-res-suit-with-basketball-2About the Author: Coach Jim JOHNSON is one of Your Monthly Mentors, an author and authority on teamwork, leadership, and realizing your dreams. Based in Rochester, New York, he is most famously known for helping an autistic senior, Jason McElwain (J-Mac), realize his dreams and play with his basketball team. Jason scored an amazing 20 points in 4 minutes during that game. Coach Jim Johnson has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, and ESPN and is the author of the book “A Coach and a Miracle: Life Lessons From a Man Who Believed in an Autistic Boy”Read More…

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