How to Overcome Negative Procrastination by Jim Johnson

How do you overcome procrastination?

Each day, we are faced with tasks and items that need to be done.  Procrastination can sprout up at any moment and convince us it’s okay to wait or not perform the task at all.  There are some rare forms of positive procrastination, but for the most part, it’s an ugly characteristic that must be dealt with.

Below is a list of 5 tips and tricks that I have learned over the years on how to deal with this unwelcomed train of thought. 

Let me know how you deal with it as well!  Enjoy.

1. Create energy. In your life, there will be many opportunities for you to sleep in or be lazy.  I have found if you exercise regularly and eat well, you will have more positive energy to avoid procrastination.  Going to sleep at a decent hour helps as well.  Develop inner energy for yourself.  How do you create energy for yourself?

2. Setup daily disciplines. Whether it’s when (or how) you brush your teeth, eating breakfast regularly, or how you get dressed, you must develop daily disciplines.  This will help you feel accountable for all your actions.

3. MVPs every night. These are your “Most Valuable Priorities” that will help prioritize what’s truly important to get done.  Recognizing the true aspects of your life that need attention is a step in the right direction to kick your procrastination habits.

4. Bunch activities. Be efficient and do multiple things at once.  Bunching your activities together will help free up time to continue on your path toward success.  How do you multi-task each day?

5. Reward yourself. Each time you accomplish something or find yourself being productive, it’s okay to treat yourself as a reward.  This will create a sense of positivity in your brain that procrastination is not an option.

jim-johnson-lo-res-suit-with-basketball-2About the Author: Coach Jim JOHNSON is one of Your Monthly Mentors, an author and authority on teamwork, leadership, and realizing your dreams. Based in Rochester, New York, he is most famously known for helping an autistic senior, Jason McElwain (J-Mac), realize his dreams and play with his basketball team. Jason scored an amazing 20 points in 4 minutes during that game. Coach Jim Johnson has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, and ESPN and is the author of the book “A Coach and a Miracle: Life Lessons From a Man Who Believed in an Autistic Boy”. Read More…

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