How Emotions Affect Your Body by Dr. Kim D’Eramo

Your emotions create chemical changes in your body that affect every cell. Learn how different emotional states affect your physical health and body, and how this can assist in healing!

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About the Speaker/Author: Dr. Kim D’ERAMO is one of Your Monthly Mentors, a physician, speaker, #1 bestselling author of “The MindBody Tool Kit,” and founder of The American Institute of MindBody Medicine. She is board-certified in Emergency Medicine, and attended residency at Emory University in Atlanta. Dr. D’Eramo conducts online group training programs and speaks internationally to doctors, medical students, and the general public to teach self-healing tools. Read More…

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*Please note that any information and advice found on The Teen Mentor by any of its contributors is for life enhancing, enlightening and motivational purposes only. If you are a teen experiencing any medical conditions or emotional upset and distress, such as depression, please inform your parents or guardians and schedule a visit with your pediatrician and/or counselor. You are not alone.