How Hypnotherapy Can Improve Your Eating Habits by Dr. Steve G. Jones

In today’s fast-paced world, many people no longer just see food as fuel, but as a way to cope with stress. But the real problem is not so much that we’re eating to cope with the pressures of life, but that we’re eating large amounts of unhealthy food such as pizza, French fries, ice cream, and other fast food. As you know, these are full of sugar, salt, and trans fats, all of which can have a negative impact on your health.

And there are many other unhealthy eating habits aside from gravitating towards low-nutrient food. These include under eating, skipping breakfast, and binge eating. The last habit is particularly common and tends to originate from psychological challenges such as boredom, stress, depression, mood swings, anxiety, and loneliness.

These psychological links raise the potential for hypnotherapy to be a viable form of treating these issues. In fact, a 2014 study published in the International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis found that 60 obese test subjects were able to lose weight after seeking two different kinds of hypnotherapy.

So, how exactly does hypnosis do this?

Hypnosis is about Changing Attitudes to Shape Reality

More often than not, people who have a tendency of binge eating have deeply ingrained beliefs such as “I can’t stop eating when I’m stressed,” or “I’m too tired to go to the gym.” In turn, these beliefs trick you into thinking that you’re not in control of your eating habits, even when it’s all in your mind. In fact, just thinking that you’re stuck with your unhealthy eating habits actually makes it real—a self-fulfilling prophecy if you will.

A hypnotherapist addresses these issues by going into the heart of these beliefs—your subconscious mind. By putting you under a state of deep relaxation, your hypnotherapist can find the negative thoughts and ideas behind your unhealthy eating habits, replacing them with ones that are actually positive and helpful towards making a healthy change.

Hypnosis Supports Your Motivation to Eat Healthily

If your problem is a lack of motivation, whether it’s failure to control carb consumption or the inability to stick to an exercise and diet regimen, hypnotherapy can be a great way to develop your discipline and willpower. In fact, a 2014 study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that hypnosis was more effective in helping smokers kick their habit than traditional nicotine replacement solutions.

As anyone who has succeeded in changing their eating habits knows, it takes a combination of awareness and sheer will to change for the better. While it’s not exactly a shortcut, hypnotherapy can help you control your eating tendencies, pushing you towards the realization that your poor eating habits ultimately come from your mind.

dr-steve-g-jones-the-teen-mentorAbout the Author: Dr. Steve G. JONES, Ed.D. is one of Your Monthly Mentors, a board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980’s. He is the author of 25 books on such topics as hypnosis, the law of attraction and weight loss. Dr. Steve has also created over 9,000 hypnosis audio recordings and 22 different online certification programs, which are sold in over 140 countries. Dr. Steve G. Jones works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best. He has been featured on Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker as both a hypnotherapist and a millionaire and has been interviewed on CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. Learn More… 

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