Rise from Life’s Rock Bottom Moments by AJ Gibson

As a young gay boy growing up in a very conservative farming community in Ohio and attending Catholic school, I wasn’t given many opportunities to envision a life of true purpose. My life was filled with roadblocks and personal “rock bottom” moments, but thanks to the support of some really great people, I was able to overcome them. Today, I live a purpose driven life and want the same for you. Here’s one thing I’ve learned in my 38 years that will change your life today.

Each of us was created with purpose and for a purpose. That may not be a concept you’ve heard yet in your life, but I am here to tell you that it is 100% true. The trick is figuring out exactly what that purpose is and THAT is what I’d like to focus on.

In this era of social media, hypersensitivity, and personal activism, it’s so important that we remember the power of words and the actions that manifest as a result of those words. It’s easy to judge each other from behind a computer screen or by typing up a quick response on our phones, but I’ve found this to be a dangerous way of communicating and ineffective in gaining clarity on one’s purpose.

For me, limiting my social media scrolling and monitoring my responses has lead to a much healthier existence and has reduced my stress levels substantially. In fact, I’ve made a habit of creating what I call “sacred space” in my days that has had a profound impact on my mental health.

For the first 30 minutes and last 30 minutes of each day, I am not allowed to go anywhere near my phone, computer or television. Instead, I use this time to either set my intentions for the day ahead of me, or show gratitude for the day I’ve just completed.

This simple trick has changed my life and can change yours too!

I use these 30-minute blocks to really reconnect with my inner self and reflect on my life. In doing so, I find such clarity, without which, I could not actively live in my purpose. I promise that if you try this simple exercise, you too will see an immediate positive impact on your own life.

There is no downside to getting to know yourself a little better, so try it out and see what reveals itself to you!

AJ Gibson The Teen Mentor.jpgAbout the Author: AJ Gibson is an author, perspective expert, social influencer and TV host. He has a gift for helping individuals shift out of a fear based mindset into one of abundance and opportunity! Known for his work in front of the camera, covering Hollywood’s biggest red carpets and pop culture events, it’s actually AJ’s passion for people and important causes that drive his life and career. He’s certainly a “people person.”

From his small town Ohio upbringing to his fast paced LA life, AJ Gibson has experienced it all!  Since entertaining viewers as a contestant on ABC’s “Expedition Impossible” in 2011 and being singled out as “What To Watch” by TV Guide magazine, AJ has turned his 15 minutes in the spotlight into a successful career as a television host and public speaker. AJ spent time as the host of Hollywood Today Live on FOX, has filled in as a guest co-host on Access Hollywood Live and has appeared regularly on Southern California’s iconic morning chat fest Good Day LA!  From time to time, you can also catch AJ sitting next to the ladies of The Talk on CBS, giving fans the Inside Scoop on The Wendy Williams Show and interviewing the biggest celebrities on the entertainment industry’s flashiest red carpets, such as the Golden Globes, American Music Awards and Billboard Music Awards, to name a few. Flipping The Script AJ GIBSON The Teen Mentor

You can check out AJ’s Website HERE.

In his book, Flipping the Script, AJ shares tips and tricks in the form of “Script Rewrites” at the end of each chapter that will help you persevere and find your true purpose.  It will give you the strength to overcome your own personal roadblocks and live the life you were created to live.

He’ll show you how to shift your perspective to find the beauty in not only life’s high points, but more importantly, in life’s all-too-familiar rock bottom moments, too.

You can download a copy of his “Script Rewrites” HERE or check out his book on Amazon HERE.

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